Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Consequences of Insurance Fraud

They come from every social class and many occupations. Some wear white collars or lab coats while others wear T-shirts and work with their hands. They are the insurance fraudsters, and they take pride in getting away with something that many view as the ultimate victimless crime.  Those who commit insurance fraud are attempting to cheat an insurance company. They normally do this on an application form by either entering false information or leaving out […]

9 Things to Know About Business Insurance

When looking into business insurance, there are a few things every business owner should know. Not all insurance policies are alike, and many people mistakenly buy more or less insurance than they actually need. In order to ensure that your business, no matter its type or size, obtains the necessary coverage for its specific needs, you need to brush up on the top nine things to know about business insurance. Understanding insurance can seem overwhelming […]