Keep insurance or pay the fine!
We all know that having insurance can save you a great deal of money if you get into an accident, but what many don’t know is that since it’s the law, not having it on your registered vehicle can cost you a lot more money, even if you are a safe driver.
In the state of Nevada, the day you register an automobile, boat, motorcycle or RV, you must maintain Nevada insurance on that vehicle. This means that if you let your insurance lapse, you can actually be charged for all the days that you were without insurance. And believe me, the amount you pay in fines is much greater than your premium.
For example, if you let your vehicle go without insurance for 1 to 30 days, you can be charged $250. Let it go longer, say 31 to 90 days and it’s $500 per vehicle. The fines keep going up $250 at a time until you get to 181 or more days. If this happens you will be fined $1250 along with a mandatory 3 year filing of an SR-22.
Keep in mind, those fines are only for first offenders. Do it again, and it’s going to cost you even more money.
Doesn’t insurance sound much cheeper? Isn’t it much easier to just keep up with your insurance premiums?
As money gets tighter, sometimes we have to pick and choose what bills are going to get paid. Skipping the insurance will cost you a lot more than a late fee, and it’ll be even worse if you get into an accident.