Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123


There is this little thing that some people have, and some people don’t.  I like to call it lane luck. If this phrase doesn’t immediately bring thoughts of traffic jams in your head, then you might be one of the blessed few that possesses this gift. It’s not something you can teach a person, you either have it or you don’t.

 Still confused? Let me explain…

 Picture this: you are driving on the freeway (or parking with brief seconds of driving), and you look around to realize that the lane to your left is moving quite briskly. So you think to yourself, “Hmmmm, I must be in the slow lane, I should move over.”

 No sooner have you done this, but you realize that now you are stopped and the lane that you were just in is now moving. The people that are in the moving lane have the lane luck and the people like you don’t.

 Then you think, “Maybe, everyone saw this lane moving so everyone moved over and that’s why I’m stopped.” There has to be a logical explanation.

 You try to outsmart this theory.  You decide to stay in your current lane and let all the other poor shmucks move over, then there will be room. You wait, and wait and wait and wait, cars at this point are whizzing past you. Cars leaving your lane to move back (also people with the elusive lane luck) are now disappearing into the horizon.

 At some point, you get frustrated. Everyone else is moving along just fine and dandy. I can’t be you, it must be something in the lane and think that possibly there’s an accident in your lane, but, as soon as you move over, your lane stops and TADA the one you left, starts moving.

 For those of you that think that this is a scene from a bad comedy, then enjoy your lane luck and let it never leave your side.

 For those of you that can relate, I hate to say that I have no answers for this problem. Lane luck is a thing you either have or you don’t. Accept it, it’s no use fighting it. Get yourself some books on CD of “War and Peace” and listen to it, you might as well enjoy yourself in the car, as you will probably be in for a very long ride.