Better Gas Mileage III
In previous installments of getting better gas mileage (insert link), we have talked about tips to give you more bang for your gas mileage buck. Now that you have had a chance to implement some of those suggestions, here are a couple more that can help.
Avoid excess idling
There is a common misconception that it uses less gas to idle your car than it does to turn it off and start it again. Though it’s not entirely untrue, it really depends on how long you are going to let your car sit there.
While idling, you actually can use 1/4 to 1/2 a gallon of gas per hour. Sitting with your car off uses no gas at all. It only takes a few seconds worth of gas to start your car.
So, if you are only going to sit there for a couple of seconds, by all means, leave that car running, but any longer than that, you might want to turn it off. Sometimes that means using a little precognitive judging; if you are in a drive thru behind a van full of a soccer team, turn the engine off, if you are behind a single person, maybe leave it on. As with any guessing game, that one person could be ordering for the whole team, but use your best guess.
Overdrive gear
Most modern cars have a button to that toggles the overdrive. In many new cars, the overdrive is on, and by pushing a button will turn it off. For the most part you want to leave it on as in makes your engine run at a lower RPM thus saving you gas. Turn it off when you need that extra boost going up a hill, or passing someone on the highway.
Remember, the overdrive was created to help with your gas economy, so use it.
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