Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Car Seat Safety

Of course we all want our children to be safe, and we all want to follow the law, and yet many car seats are not properly installed.  It’s not enough to have the car seat, if it is not put in right, it’s not going to do much in the way of saving your baby.

As car seats come in many different styles, to tell you exactly how to install your car seat would be rather ridiculous, however, there are places you can go that will check your work or teach you how to do it for free.

In the state of Nevada, most fire stations will check and see if you put in your seat correctly.  This is especially wonderful as your baby gets bigger and you have to turn the seat around for them, or even when they outgrow the seat they’re currently and you need to get a new one.

Hospitals in this state won’t even let you take your baby home in a car until they see that you have a regulation car seat that is installed in the right way.  This is wonderful for new mothers and fathers who may never have had to put in a seat before.  With the stress of having a newborn, it’s nice to have someone there to worry about the seat for you.

Now when I was a kid, phone books and a seat belt worked just fine, but enough accidents have happened over the years for lawmakers to take a closer look.  Even if it weren’t the law, isn’t your child’s safety worth it?  So go check in with your nearest fire station, or do a quick internet search to find the closest car seat inspection in your state.  You’d be surprised how many parents unknowingly put them in wrong, and usually they don’t find out until it’s too late.

Car seats seem such a simple thing, but the outcome could be dire if done improperly.  Insurance as well can be simple, but without the right coverage a simple accident could turn into a nightmare. Insurance Specialists wants to keep your family safe.  We post informational tips to help you and your family to be as safe as possible.  Our agents help clients choose the best possible coverage to protect them when the worst happens.  Uninsured motorist, medical payments, and roadside assistance, are just a few coverage options that can mean the difference.  Let Insurance Specialists guide you to make the right choices for your family’s safety.

Call us today at 702-307-3398